5 Reasons Why Vegans Have Better Sex

Veganism is more than a diet; it is a philosophical lifestyle choice. A vegan does not eat anything that is of animal origin, nor will they use animal-based products for clothing, or any other purpose. People may choose veganism for ethical reasons involving animal rights, for environmental factors, or for better health.
According to Wikipedia, approximately 0.2% to 1.3% of the US, and between 0.25% and 0.4% of the UK populations are vegans. 
Perhaps those numbers will increase, as vegans also have better sex than their carnivorous friends. Here is why!
1. Researchers have found that certain foods cause a chemical reaction in the body that increases the libido in both males and females. Foods with large levels of zinc and vitamin B complexes are said to elevate testosterone levels and boost sexual desire. Many common vegan foods that are rich in zinc and vitamin B are: basil, figs, pine nuts, avocado, almonds, asparagus, celery, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, and bananas.

2. It is suggested that a vegan diet changes the body’s overall chemistry. Therefore, body secretions smell (and taste) much sweeter.
3. There isn't any scientific evidence assuring a vegan diet enhances sexualattractiveness, but those dedicated to the dietary regime believe that it does increase confidence when naked. Participating in a vegan, plant-based diettypically results in slimming effects on the shape of the body. This occurs simply because many meats are high in fat, when compared to a healthy and balanced vegan diet. 

4. In a recent online poll, 64% of participants stated that they have increased energy and vitality as a vegan when compared to their meat eating days. Many have noticed the energetic changes in their bedrooms and relationships.

5. A vegan is forced to make conscious decisions all the time. Let’s face it; we still live in a meat-loving nation, and it takes discipline and strong will to maintain the philosophy. However, whether a vegan is a vegan for animal rights, yogic belief, or health related ideals, you are likely to attract like-minded individuals to share your bed with. You will likely find yourself rejecting meat eating intimate partners… so take reasons one through four and times it by two. Wow, that’s a lot of testosterone, energy and HOTTNESS! 

Ultimately, your diet is a major factor in determining how good or bad your sex life is. Pursue the guidance of an expert when considering a vegan diet. 

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